Can a Builder Draw Plans?

People are often looking for ways to save money when they build a new house. One question is whether a builder can draw the plans for their house.

A builder can often be used to get your plans drawn using one of the following options:

  • Hiring a drafting service.
  • Providing an in-house drawing service.
  • Providing design-and-build services.
  • Hiring a local architect who can provide drawings-only services.

Each option will require some sort of written agreement and a fee for those services. Discuss with your contractor how they could help you with drawing services, how contracts for the service are to be handled, and how payments are to be made.

Before we take a look at each option, let’s look at other things you need to keep in mind before discussing drawing services with a contractor.

Things You Should Consider

Their are several important things to consider about what services you will need before choosing a drawing service option:

  • Whether you already have a design for the house and are just looking for someone to draw the plans and other drawings needed to build the project.
  • Whether you’re looking for someone to help you further develop a design idea you have and then provide the necessary drawings.
  • Whether you’re needing someone to provide the full design for you from the start because you don’t yet have a design.
  • Whether or not you have already selected a contractor.

Let’s first look at these important items before we review the drawing options.

You already have a house design: If you already have a house design but just need documents drawn up for approval and construction you can use that information as the basis of any proposals for the services.

You will need to discuss with the contractor and/or the drawer what experience they have with creating documents for approval by the local jurisdiction.

You should also discuss the specific drawings and level of detail they will provide for the construction documents. Fewer drawings might save you money and still allow for the contractor to build your house; however, that could leave many things undefined. Undefined items can often lead to unexpected additional charges during construction.

You have a design concept but need assistance to develop it: If you have general idea of a layout you want but need assistance to develop the idea before the approval and construction documents are drawn, you should consider the services of a house designer. This house designer could be an independent company or part of a contractor’s design-and-build services.

A house designer is different from an architect. A house designer typically does not have a degree in architecture and is not licensed to practice architecture. This usually is not a concern for any approvals for construction, as most jurisdictions do not require an architect to create the documents for a single-family house.

Many designers will be certified through an independent agency such as the American Institute of Building Design. This certification requires the designer to take and pass several courses related to building design and construction. However, such certifications are not overseen by the states/provinces and are therefore not considered the same as licensed architects.

Being a house designer doesn’t mean their designs are of lesser quality. There are many talented house designers who have had a lot of experience designing houses. Be sure to ask them for examples of other houses they have designed, where you could see those houses, and any references they can provide.

You need someone to provide the design for you: If you don’t have a specific design idea but could use someone to help you design it, a house designer is a good choice. Be sure and discuss with the contractor and any house designers what services they can provide to help you get the house you want.

You have not yet selected a contractor: If you haven’t selected a contractor for your project you should make sure you discuss with each candidate what type of drawing service you will need. They should then include that service as part of their proposal including the name of the service and what the cost will be.

You should also ask for a meeting to review their proposal, requesting that someone from the drawing service attend so that you can ask them questions you might have and see samples of their work.

You have already selected your contractor: If you already have a contractor you want to work with you’ll need to make sure to discuss with them the need for this service. They can then let you know how the service can be provided, how the contract will work, and what the cost will be.

Now let’s look at each drawing option discussed at the beginning of the article.

Subcontracted Drafting or Design Services

Most contractors don’t draw house plans. Their main focus is bidding for projects and building houses. However, many work with drawing or home design services to provide documents for a house.

The contractor can give you a list of people you can contact, interview, and select for the drawing services.

You can hire the drawing service directly or the contractor can hire the service under a contract with you.

Contractor has In-House Drafting

Drafting is different from designing, so there is a difference between using a drafter and a house designer. Drafters typically just draw up the formal drawings of designs that have already been completed. Some contractors have such drafting services in-house, meaning they are employed by the contractor and work out of their office.

This type of service does not provide additional design input you might need. The expectation is the plan and exterior design have already been established. They then take that information and draw the formal technical plans, elevations, building sections, detail drawings, etc. needed to submit to the local authorities for a building permit and for what the contractor needs to build the house.

Since the drafter works for the contractor they’ll likely have a shorthand knowledge of how their company works and builds. This might can allow for fewer drawings needed for construction and e a lower cost for the drawing service. However, not having all the documents could lead to some misunderstanding as to what you really want. Be sure to discuss such concerns with the contractor.

Contractor Design-and-Build

Design-build contractors design and build many homes. They often have existing floor plans you can choose and modify to your needs. They also have established materials and finishes options you can select from. Some will also work with you for a truly custom design.

When you’re working with a design-and-build contractor you should ask what the cost is for their design and drawing services. Also ask whether or not that cost will be a separate up-front cost or included as part of your overall construction contract.

Contractor Hires an Architect

Contractors often have established relationships with local architects. They can ask an architect to provide drawings-only services where they’ll take your design, do a quick review for any code issues, then create the documents needed for your house. This is a method of having the architect involved without paying the cost of full design services.

Other Questions and Considerations

A few other things to think about:

  • Who is responsible for building code compliance? If you’re not using a licensed architect the responsibility for code compliance of the design is typically yours. A house designer will might have some code knowledge that they can integrate into the documents but code compliance remains the owner’s (for design) and contractor’s (for construction). A design-build contractor takes on the responsibility for code compliance of their design.
  • What about the design and drawings for mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems for the house? Most houses are fairly straightforward with these systems. Subcontractors that install these systems often create any design and documents needed as part of a design-and-install subcontract. Discuss with the contractor how the final design and drawings of those systems can be handled.
  • How much do drafting and house design services cost? The costs for these services can vary widely. The simplicity or complexity of the design plays a large part as does the number of drawings to be provided. According to the hourly rate range of a home designer in 2020 is $100 to $300 per hour. It can take two weeks for a really small project to several weeks for larger ones.

Though it will take some effort to figure all of this out, have fun with the process as it’s how you’ll get to your dream home.

All drawing images are by Cayl Hollis unless otherwise noted.

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